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21 June 2024 

After almost a year in the making, I'm excited to say my Kickstarter is up! I designed a deck of 117 informational cards on geometric objects called Perfect Polyhedra. It's a colorful mix of math and infographic design. This is my first Kickstarter and my fiancé helped with the video (thank god I have a talented filmmaker in the house!). We made it entertaining and funny. Check it out!

1 May 2024 

I have quit my day job! This is both scary and exciting. I was trying to juggle my career pivot to data visualization while still holding down a full-time packaging design job and something had to give. With all my current projects, I feel like I now have 7 full-time jobs for no pay, haha! But I am a firm believer in living your truth and I was not happy at my job. Choosing to work for yourself is not the easiest path for a designer, but I have never been more game for the challenge!

7 Jan 2024 

After returning from the 2024 Joint Mathematics Meeting in San Francisco, held at the Moscone Center, I am energized and excited to to start, continue and finish all my projects this year! The conference held so much food for thought, interesting talks and mathematical art. It was inspiring to meet mathematicians, educators, students and artists all working to connect, communicate and solve problems. The meeting had over 5,000 attendees, a math art gallery and loads of outreach and enthusiasm. Plus, I got to type on the WW2 Enigma machine at the NSA booth!

13 Dec 2023

I am happy to say my submission to the Yucca Valley town beautification request for utility box covers has been chosen! Not only that, it was the #1 piece chosen of all the artwork submitted. "Day Stars, Night Suns" is a colorful, graphic representation of our local landscape as interpreted with geometric objects and higher dimensional shapes. There will be 6 utility boxes wrapped at high visiblitiy intersection in town. I'm hoping I get the Starbucks drive-through one! I was chosen along with other artists. The artwork will be on the boxes for 1-2 years.

geometric artwork for Yucca Valley utility box town beautification project

17 Nov 2023

Today is 11-17-23, a day of prime numbers and the day I chose to launch my online shop! Point Line Plane is live! My mathematical infographic posters, designs and wearables are now all available for purchase at There is something for everyone and this is just the beginning. I have many more products in the pipeline, including a very special deck of cards of which will launch on Kickstarter later this year. 


13 Sep 2023

It's almost here! I am putting the finishing touches on the soft launch of my brand and online store for products that merge mathematics and design. It will be a mashup of STEM learning posters, mathematical art and geometric glassware and wearables. I wouldn't make something I wouldn't wear or use myself! This has been a project on the back burner for way too long! Check back soon for the link to POINT LINE PLANE.


9 August 2023

As a coincidental birthday present, my Visual Capitalist Creator Program winning graphic was published today! Newly improved and updated, you can see the final visual here. I am so happy to now be a Creator Program Ambassador.


2 Aug 2023

I super happy to be highlighted in this month's Creator Newsletter from Visual Capitalist. It's a monthly newsletter for the Creator community and showcases recent work as well as industry trends, Creator program updates and best practices when it comes to creating infographics. Right up my alley! I'm also happy to have Creator Program Ambassador status. 

Also today my video interview by Will Sutton went up! Tableau IronViz winner Will has a video series called "Behind the VIz" on his YouTube channel. In Season 1, Episode 4 I talk about my winning viz on Where American Gets its Food From for Visual Capitalist, in which I won 2nd place in their contest on visualizing world trade. I'm super pleased with how the video came out and how well Will got the essence and 3 takeaways from my process of creating the visual. Enjoy!


30 Jun 2023

Just in the time for the deadline, I submitted my proposal for my piece "Visualizing A Billion in 2 and 3 Dimensions and in Time" to the Information+ Conference, happening in Edinburgh, Scotland in November and sponsored by the University of Edinburgh. This dataviz conference looks like it will be an exciting and informative experience and I hope I get to go (whether as attendee or exhibitor). I have always wanted to go to Scotland and the exhibition space, InSpace at the Institute for Informatics  is right up my alley. 


14 Jun 2023
I won second place in the Visual Capitalist Creator Program Challenge! It was such an honor to be chosen and I worked hard, so it feels good to be rewarded. Here is my winning graphic. There was no limit to the number of graphics allowed, so I submitted 3 visualizations during the month-long contest. The winning graphic turned out to be the final one submitted. I guess I had warmed up well and hit the target! It was a great learning experience and I will always look at produce labels when grocery shopping to see if they match what I found in the data! If it wasn't grown here in the U.S., it probably came from Mexico!


Also since today is Flag Day, I have posted an essay on the best datavizzes about flags on my Medium blog.

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